Sunday, June 22, 2014

Relative Distances

Assalamualaikum.. Good afternoon guys. i will post about Relative Distances.This was my reading assignment last semester.I written this summary by my self. Oke check this out.
People from different culture have different ideas about relative distances between speakers. For example, North Americans like to stand about 18 to 20 inches apart from each other when they talk. People from Saudi Arabia like to stand 12 to 14 inches apart when they talk. As s result, when a North Americans talk to someone from Saudi Arabia, everyone is uncomfortable. The North American  feels that the Saudi Arabia is trying to be too close, too intimate, and so American moves away as they talk. The Saudi Arabia on the other hand, feels that the North Americans is too unfriendly and too distant

Improve your English Listening Skill Through The Music

Improve your English listening skill through the music you like
I recommend you to choose a song that you really like because you are going to work with it very deeply.
Once you have chosen one, try to memorize the lyrics and sing along with the song.
When you have internalized the song, it’s time to look for covers on YouTube.

What Is A Cover?

For those of you who don’t know what a cover is…
It’s when a band or singer makes a new version of a song written from someone else.
The band or singer making the cover try to introduce their personal style to the song. The new version can be quite similar or so different that it’s even difficult to recognize the original song.

Why This Strategy Is Going To Help You?

In one hand it’s funny to listen to different version of your favorite songs.
In the other hand you are going to work your listening skill deeply because you listen to a song sung by:

  • Singers with different accents.
  • Singers with different styles.
  • Singers from different countries.
  • Singers with different pronunciations.
  • Male & female singers.
It’s like the English language in the real world…
  • Different English accents
  • Different kind of voices (male & female, young, old…)
  • Different pronunciations
Be aware that some words or sentences that are difficult to understand in a song can be easily catch in a different version.

Meanings of Colours

Assalamualaikum. Good afternoon everyone. Today i will post about Meanings of Colours. This article was my reading assignment last semester. I was written this summary by myself.

Colors can describe what people feel. For many Amerircans,blue is a colour that means sadness or coldness. An idiom says "She's feeling blue" whe someone is sad. Most Americans think that yellow is bright, cheerful colour, so yellow often used to decorate kitchen and houses. Red represent anger for some people;an Americans idiom states that people "see red", when they are furious. However red is a symbolic colour of christmass celebration. Green is another colour that can have 2 meanings. Some people its a charming colour and so many schools and hospitals paint their walls light green. But for other people. green represent jelousy; "She's green with envy" is a common idiom

The Benefits of Reading Fairy Tales to Your Child

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about whether fairy tales are appropriate for children to be reading or listening to anymore. Especially older fairy tales like those from Perrault or even the Grimm Brothers. This largely comes from some studies that had been done on the effects of fiction and children’s books on child development. We discovered that the stories a child is exposed to young can often influence their view of the world later in life.

As with reading fairy tales to children, this brings up a few issues. The first of which is that many of the older tales incorporated rather dark themes devoted to death, suffering and children being murdered. But then there is also a second incorporation that has to do with later Disney movies of these fairy tales and them being too happy and can result in parents thinking their child will be deluded with ideas that the world will just work for them and things will be good.
Benefits of Reading
With that said there are still initial benefits for reading to your child when they are young. It will improve their vocabulary, enhance verbal communication and understanding and if you do it regularly you’ll even find your kids can interact and say what they want to more often. You also enhance the child’s imagination and creative process, which is a huge benefit to any child. There is also the added benefit of making the reading enjoyable since the stories are often fantastical ones that the child wants to hear which means they will probably grow to want to read on their own. And this is all not even considering the bonding potential of spending every night to read with your child. But there still remains the issue of picking the right stories that will express the views you want your child to encounter.
Choosing Your Tales
The real benefits to reading fairy tales come with the personalization of what stories you choose to read to your child, or have them read. When selecting your stories, the first thing you need to always do is read the stories on your own first. If you go into it blind, you may start reading the story then realize this is not something you want to read to your child at all. It may take a little extra time, but it will also provide a means of bonding with your child since you’ll have taken the time to read the story and not just read it out loud to them and not absorb the information. This also allows you to pick fairy tales that you think will be productive for your child, whether you focus on things they love to do or talk about; or just finding morals and ideas that are shown in the story that you want your child to carry on.
The decisions you make will end up affecting your child, so they are always important, even when you aren’t thinking about it. So if you are okay with showing your child some of the darker fairy tales, or letting them watch Disney movies that present girls unable to do anything for themselves until a man comes along then be ready for the adult you create from that. But in turn, picking stories that promote the empowerment of your child, or their dreams can be even more beautiful in the end. And this rests with all stories, fiction or not.
So remember, a fairy tale will affect your child, but you also get a choice as to what story and what affect will occur; so choose your stories carefully!

10 commonly used British Slang words

Modern Class Vs Traditional Class

In Senior High School you study at school and your teacher teach you by face to face.That's what we can call Traditional Class
Based on this video, it gives us the differentiation between Modern Class and Traditional Class

source :

The 10 Reason to Use Technology in Education

hello guys !! Today is sunday and this is best time to share something that important to us. 
This video told us about "The 10 Reason to Use Technology in Education"