Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Best Condition to Study

Hello guys this is Sunday night, i think this is a good time to study. But do you know how to find the best condition to study ? Maybe to answer  this question and to  give you your ideal conditions you can. Read on to find out how you can make your ideal conditions when they don’t
occur naturally.
Sometimes, the conditions of your ideal study situation just can’t be met.Maybe you’re a morning person, but you’re at the office in the morning. Or, you’re an evening thinker, but you work the night shift. What can you do? Of course, you can utilize the thinking time on days or nights when you’re not working, but in order to make learning stick with you, it’s a good idea to study each day, even if only for 20 minutes or so. You need to find time every day, not just on weekends. Ask yourself: “What is it about my special time that helps me?” Write some ideas in your notebook. Then read on for ideas on how to plan your day to create your ideal study situation.

After a Rest
If your best study time is after a rest, then you’re the kind of person who needs to work when you’re refreshed. Try taking a nap before your study session. See if that helps. Or try going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. This way you could study before going to work or school.

When You’re Relaxed
If you study better when you’re really relaxed, like when you’re in bed, put yourself to bed early! Actually, reviewing something you want to remember for a half hour before you go to sleep and then re-reading the same material as soon as you wake up is a great way for anybody to study. Your brain is especially receptive then.Maybe you’ve had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night, suddenly remembering something, like “Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday!” Such instances are spontaneous; you didn’t plan to remember his birthday just then. But when you study upon waking, you’re being deliberate; you’re directing your brain to help you remember. This technique can be used to come up with ideas and solve problems,
too. Before going to sleep, try talking to yourself about an idea you want to come up with or a math problem that’s presenting a challenge. Keep a pad of paper and a pencil by your bed so you’ll be ready for the answers in the morning!

At a Desk
If you work best sitting at a desk, but you’d like to use your two-hour bus trip each day to study, re-create your desk on the bus! Buy a lap board from an office supply or art store. Glue a pencil case to a corner, so your tools will be easy to reach. Decorate the board with photos of favorite
people or feel-good sayings you come across in magazines or fortune cookies—just make sure you leave the study area bare! If you need more light, try a miniature flashlight; some come in pens or on key chains and make sure to take advantage of your real desk when you can.

With Background Noise
If you like noise around you, do a little study of yourself first.What kinds of music or TV make you comfortable? Keep in mind that the music you enjoy most might not work as background music for studying. Read one section of this book with one kind of background sound, another section with another kind, and so on. Which section did you remember best? Some kinds of sounds, like TV or vigorous music, command your attention, making it difficult to focus on what you’re studying.

What Keeping Calm Can Do
Lenny freaked out when he saw the chemistry book: “I’m never going to get through that!” He felt so intimidated by the heavy book that he didn’t open it until the day before the first quiz. But putting off studying only makes matters worse. If Lenny had spent time calming himself down, he could have opened the book the first time he saw it. He could have put himself in the mood and taken charge of his studying. He might even have become interested in chemistry The clue is to find what’s comfortable so you get the most out of studying. You might find that soft classical music works best.

When It’s Quiet
Do you think best in silence? Then you need to block out as much noise as you can. Get up early, go to bed late, study after the kids have gone to school. The rest of the time, create quiet: close the door to the living room, wear earplugs or headphones–or do anything you can to block out sounds. Josie, from the box on page 3, might even be able to work something out with her brother. Maybe he would wear headphones so she could have quiet to study. Or maybe she could use headphones with music playing so softly that it wouldn’t disturb her concentration but would still block out the noises around her. Try different approaches to see what works for you. There are even machines you can buy that make white noise to block out distracting sounds. If you’re thinking of buying one, make sure you hear it first. What works fine for one person might not work at all for another In your notebook, make a list of alternate places to study, keeping in mind the best types of environments for you. Your local library is a good place to start!

When you’re calm, you can think clearly and deeply. You’ll find it easier to make connections and to remember what you’ve been studying.

Practice Tips
Here are some ways you can practice the suggestions of this chapter in everyday situations. Doing so will make you feel experienced and more comfortable when you use these same methods to get started studying
• The next time you find yourself feeling anxious at work or at home, try imagining a special place and practice deep breathing to calm yourself. 
• The next time you find yourself not wanting to do something that needs to be done, reward yourself before and/or after doing the task. 
• Before doing something you’ve never done, do something familiar that you can easily accomplish in a short period of time. 
• Before doing something new, review what you have done that’s similar.

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